The Storyselling Secret That 10X’d Revenue in One Month

Published by Jenn Neal on

The secret behind getting your followers to open your emails, read through every word top-to-bottom, and always come back for more…

My face turned bright red as all of the blood rushed to my face while my stomach felt like it dropped to the floor. 

“It says your card was declined.”

I stared horrifyingly at the bags of groceries then back to my debit card in hand – mind racing to make sense of the situation and find a solution. 

And it hit me – I hadn’t actually paid myself yet this month so there I was, overdrafting my personal account. 

Turns out, that same gut wrenching, horrifying feeling of overdrafting the bank is what a lot of us marketers are doing to our list – an analogy I learned from this featured presenter, Miss Yara Golden. 

Yara shares her experiences with building deposits and good will for our email lists, along with how to tell your stories and what emails you need to use when. She also shares the secret of how she discovered storyselling and in just a month went from making $2,500 to $25,000+ consistently, each month. 

Want to hear more? 

👉 Register now for FREE at the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 

About Yara

I write story-based pieces for companies like ClickFunnels, as well as e-commerce and service-based businesses. Over the years, my talent for storytelling morphed into what I now like to call story-selling.

Today, I teach entrepreneurs like you, how to use story-selling in order to connect (or reconnect) with your audience, build rapport, and engage them in a conversational way.

This is the secret behind getting your followers to open your emails, read through every word top-to-bottom, and always come back for more…

Snippets from Yara’s Presentation

The customer onramp

When I was learning how to drive, there was a huge on-ramp down to the freeway. So you had this whole hill to get ready to merge. And I remember my mom telling me, okay, you’ve got to speed up and make sure that you’re at the same speed as the flow of traffic so that you don’t have an accident. And I was like, beside myself, I was so scared. But I, as I think about a prospect who knows absolutely nothing about your business or my business and lands in your inbox, I’m like, okay, the conversation that I’m having with my followers and with my people is moving at a certain speed. And they’re me at the top of the hill at zero. So I have these six emails to get them up to speed with what’s going on with me, who I am, what I do, all of these questions. So that when they hit the flow of traffic, they can say, Oh, I’m in the right place. I love what this chick’s all about. I like what she has to offer. I’m going to stay here. Or they can take the very next exit and be like, okay, I’m out. That’s the unsubscribe. 

How Giving Up Our Stories Makes Them Better

One of the mistakes I see people make all the time is believing that when they tell their story or their experience, it’s about them, right? It’s like, well, feel like I’m being selfish or I feel like I’m being self-indulgent by telling all these stories about myself. No one cares about me that much. And I’m like, well, no, you’re right. They don’t, but we don’t tell our server or we don’t tell our stories in service of ourselves. We actually tell our stories in service of other people. Because I’m telling you a story about me, but as you’re listening to it, you’re thinking about you. And so it’s not really my story anymore. It’s me giving up that story in service of your win, your lesson, your breakthrough, your aha.

Handling gut-exploding pressure

I just got back from Alaska and I wrote a story about a rockfish. I pulled this rock fish up from the depths of the ocean and it’s guts were expanded. And I was like, Holy crap, what happened to this thing? But it turns out that the pressure difference is too much for the fish. And so it gets stunned and its insides can’t take it.But if you release it back to pressure where it’s used to, it has a way better shot of surviving the whole experience. And I was thinking to myself, I feel like so many entrepreneurs live in this world where we’re better at handling one more than we are the other. But in order to be successful, you’ve got to be able to navigate both of them.

Story Selling