The Hidden Traffic Secrets for Entrepreneurs – How to Find & Capture 70% More Traffic That’s Already There!
Website SEO Comparative Analysis for Entrepreneurs

Afternoons on the Burger bench.
I remember when I was in college. We had a professor named Howard Burger – and most afternoons you could find him in the quad. He always sat on the same bench – and we called it the Burger bench.
He would spend hours surrounded by students – talking, lecturing, sharing, listening.
It was truly humbling, exciting, and electrifying to spend time with someone SO SMART. And to have him listen and share and care. Amazing. And the things I learned from him. Amazing.
Recently on a trip to visit my friend Holly Homer to record her session (make sure you check that one out also!) she mentioned she wanted to introduce me to her friend and mentor.
Now. Let me tell you that I feel like Holly is WAY smarter than me and I love talking with her. And when she said she wanted to introduce me to her mentor and SEO expert, I had to jump.
And it was an instant … bromance? Girlmance? Not sure what you would call it.. But she’s AMAZING. And SOOOO much smarter than me.
I tell you what, in the SEO game she has it NAILED. And – it has been so much fun working with her (Sneak peek… she’s part of the delivery for a new program we have coming out… ) but I’m SUPER happy to introduce you to my new friend and amazing SEO genius, Laurie Turk.
Laurie has put together a presentation that describes how to use common SEO tactics to capture that hidden traffic specifically for us online entrepreneurs. I promise, she’s made it all understandable and approachable – so you definitely don’t want to miss this presentation.
Please enjoy some previews from Laurie’s presentation:
Enjoy – then go register for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event.
About Laurie:
Laurie Turk is a creative soul who has a passion for embellishing life. She lives in Dallas, is a mom to 3 boys, cruise director for her family, and all around girly-girl. Her focus is to create moments that matter for herself, her man, and her children.
Laurie is the founder of Reconalist – home of the content prioritization audit.
Previews from Laurie’s Presentation:
Leveraging The 70% Buying Decision Rule In Your Favor
Today, I’m going to show you the fastest technique on how to attract your ideal client. Now, not just any clientele, this technique will increase trust with your target client. You know, the type of clientele that you can really serve best. So are you ready? Let’s do this, but first here’s a critical truth to understand for entrepreneurs with any amount of traffic at all, the number one quickest source to grow your client list is your published content. Yep. Your existing content that’s already been published. Think about your typical client. Your typical client is in research mode. Now, what do I mean by research? They are looking for reviews, comparisons, and answers to their questions about a service or a product. And online content is simply research to them before they buy it. Multiple studies have shown that on average, 70% of the buying decision is made before a client even talks to the company. Yep. Before the sales, professional or expert even enters the fray, 70% of the decision has already been made by the client.
Content Repurposing and the Rule of 7 as Demonstrated by Neil Patel
How do I know this strategic practice works? Well. I retired from writing new content in 2014 and have used the content audit to enjoy the perks of passive income for the past six years. Now, I only create content when I want to. Remember the rule of seven? The marketing rule of seven states the client needs to hear a message at least seven times before they take action. Therefore republishing linking to and sharing your most helpful content over and over again is key. Wondering what I mean? Let’s use an example of someone who makes a living off of content strategy. According to the numbers, highly respected SEO expert Neil Patel has updated his post entitled SEO made simple as a step by step guide for 2020, a whopping hundred and 62 times. Yep. He keeps updating it. And the post is now on it’s 162nd update.
I stopped stocking Neil when I hit about 26 posts with the same memo.
Time is Money, Honey
This strategy can both keep researchers on your site longer while boosting SEO authority by filling in this storyline with your new content, discovered from your content audit. You’ll begin to dominate those topics as an expert and naturally create long tail search results for subtopics by creating your expert topics often you’ll enjoy the returns of repetition and leverage reinforcing and consistent social proof. Did you know, creating content using a comparative analysis could do all of that? Talk about a positive return of investment of your time. Time is money, honey. We all know that what you decided to focus on is what will grow. Therefore, I hope you’ll decide to grow your content using data driven strategies. These are just the basics you need to know to create your own comparative analysis. It’s exciting, right?