The Shocking Secret to Creating Messaging that Attracts High Paying Clients

Published by Jenn Neal on

Starting your storytelling from the core foundation to build stronger messaging that attracts

The Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations

I remember gripping the podium and my voice quivering as I worked my way through my notes. 

Sweaty palms, shaky voice, heart pounding, butterflies in my stomach – the whole thing. 

It was one of the first times in my life I had presented in front of a group. 

I was home from a 2 week trip to England, and was sharing the story of my experiences to the board of directors as the lucky recipient of the Girl Scout scholarship, and one of eight girls from the United States that had attended this international event. 

At the time, I wanted to make sure I did everything right. 

I was wearing my complete uniform – had practiced over and over the slides and speech. I made sure that I detailed out where we were, what we did, told the whole story. 

To be honest, I don’t really remember much more of that presentation. But I do know that I was trying really hard to NOT share the stories that I felt weren’t professional. 

How I had my first beer in an English pub. Got separated from our group and lost in downtown London. Cried on the plane when I left because I was scared. 

Looking back now, I realize that telling THOSE stories would have made for a much more impactful experience, instead of “here are the photos from my vacation.”

Thank you, 16 year old me, for helping to teach me that lesson all these years later. (Won’t say exactly how many years.. ) 

Anyway – digging into that feeling we all get as entrepreneurs – how we feel the impostor syndrome and feel like we have to posture to be this big expert. 

Not sharing the stories that really mean something. Sometimes not even really sharing them with ourselves. 

This is what today’s featured speaker reveals in her presentation at the Smart[er] Content Formula event. 

Geeta Nadkarni is a dear friend of mine, and has a truly powerful background and message. I know you’re here to dial in your messaging – but be ready to buckle up for some deep internal work in order to really find the most effective messages of all. 

Please enjoy some previews from Geeta’s presentation: 

Enjoy – then go register for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 


About Geeta: 

Impact with Influence helps coaches attract more high paying clients than they can handle. If your goal is to become one of the most sought-after experts in your field, we have a proven process for expert coaches with integrity that generates up to 1,000% ROI within 8 weeks.*

​International speaker, award-winning journalist, thoughtful parent and audiobook addict. Founder of Baby Got Booked, a DIY PR course aimed teaching entrepreneurs how to tell their stories in a way that gets them on journalists’ speed dial. Also founded Baby Got Booked {Lab}, a membership site filled with templates, mini-courses and community to help build a better business faster.

Previews from Geeta’s Presentation

Stop Relying on Elevator Pitches

So most people think, Oh, people come to us and they’re like, yeah, tell me how to say what I do. And they think they’re coming to us for an elevator pitch. And I want you to know, I don’t believe in elevator pitches. What? Messaging guru doesn’t believe in elevator pitches? No, she doesn’t. You know why? Because elevator pitches are useless. The more complete and dialed in your sentence is, the more you’re going to blurt it out of your mouth. And then the other person’s going to be like, Oh…. End of conversation. 

The Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations

Creating Messaging from Attitude, Understanding and Responsibility

So one thing we talk about a lot in our program and in our own messaging and we teach our clients to do in their messaging is to tell people stories of where you have taken full responsibility in your own life. You tell those stories, even if they’re not business related. One of my favorite ones that I tell, two of my favorite ones that I tell have nothing to do with business. One has to do with skydiving and one has to do with my pelvic floor and getting help with healing my pelvic floor after I gave birth. None of these have to do with business. Both of them have to do with my attitude and my understanding of how healing works and how responsibility works. 

The Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations

Avoiding inauthenticity and the impostor syndrome

A lot of times, people want to portray themselves as these big gurus, because they feel like that’s what people want, that’s what people need to hear in order to get their help. And the problem with that is it sets you up for imposter syndrome because it sets you up to constantly and ongoingly, (that’s not a word,) feel like a fraud because you feel like you’re not quite there yet, but you’re kind of posturing like you are. It makes you inauthentic. Even if you come across as authentic, you know that you’re inauthentic. So your energy is different. You don’t share with quite as open of a heart. You may say the same words, but the energy will not land for people the way that it should. 

The Art of Storytelling in Business Presentations