Creating Powerful Brand Photographs that Attract the Right Customers in 5 Easy Steps

Published by Jenn Neal on

How to Convey Your Personal Story Through Photographs

Storytelling through photos

The sun was shining – a faint hint of pine in the air. 

I can still feel the breeze drying the sweat off of my back as I had taken off the backpack to pose for the photo.

Honestly, one of my favorite days – and the photo that I have with me and my dad out hiking – every time I look at it, I remember all of these things. 💜

I shared the memory of this photo with today’s featured presenter for the Smart[er] Content Formula event – Nathan Freitas. 

Nathan brought me back to that memory and reminded me how much emotion can be elicited from a photograph. 

And he’s taken this concept, along with a simple 5 step framework that creates a story you can use for every image. This is how we tell the story of who we are in our brand images. 

And the right stories attract the right customers. You don’t want to miss this presentation from this amazing photographer. 

Here are a few previews from Nathan’s presentation (left the photos out, cause you have to attend to see them!)

Enjoy – then go register for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 


About Nathan: 

Nathan is an artist AND entrepreneur who helps personal brands and entreprenuers build powerful brands through authentic photographs. He has worked for fortune 100 companies such as Salesforce and Microsoft, and he has also built his own photography business from the ground up! In his quest to share knowledge and teach others, he is the host of the Creative Entrepreneur Blueprint Podcast, which launched as a top 80 podcast last year and shares the secrets behind running successful creative businesses and creating passive income. Most importantly, he’s the dad of two awesome kids that challenge him weekly!

Previews from his Presentation:

Building Your Personal Brand from Great Photography

And it’s so cool to look at that and be able to go back to it. That moment did exist, regardless of what happened later in the marriage, that moment existed. And I love it. You know, I have so many of those amazing moments. And the point here is your face is lighting up, my face is lighting up –  because of a photograph, right? And that is why personal brands are built off of great photography. Because photos have the ability to elicit a connection in each human. It’s like aside from video, it’s one of the closest things we could do to connect human to human.

How to Avoid Neutering Your Images

…They lost every role except for a handful of maybe like maybe five images. And this is one of them. But even just this image, the idea of being there in that water with those bodies, with the bullets flying by, that elicits fear in me. You know, these aren’t brand new images, but I want to really drill home that images have the ability to elicit so much power. And we are forgetting that. We’re putting together these stock photos of people posing and these influencer photos, and they’re neutered. They’re lacking the emotion that I think photography can elicit. Tony Robbins, love him or hate him. Guy is confident as hell. All right. It’s powerful. That’s what that photo elicits. So the big question I’ve got for you, you’re watching this or your brand images, stirring the right emotions in your ideal customer.

Switching Roles to Get BadA$$ Photos

How do you channel that energy… And then you get some badass photos, right? People forget about this all the time, but they get in front of the camera and they just smile or they pose or they ask, what do you want me to do? No, it should be the other way around. You should stand there in front of that photographer and say, this is me. This is how I want to be conveyed. I’m going to start moving. This is where this is what feels the most comfortable. You fine tune me, you’re the photographer, right? They’ll handle the lighting and you know, if your chin’s down and you’re making yourself look… you know, like when I put my chin down, I have a double chin. Great. My chin comes up. That’s a photographer’s job. But other than that, this is what I’m wearing. This is how I’m comfortable. But we do the other way around.