Entrepreneurial Motivation : What Drives Motivation, Values, and Attitudes

Published by Jenn Neal on

Entrepreneurial motivation

Entrepreneurial motivation can be achieved by keeping some crucial factors in mind. Find out what drives motivation, values, and attitudes.

Quick Links:

TIP: How to drive entrepreneurial motivation

Time needed: 7 minutes

TIP: 6 Steps to Combine Your Passion with Your Business from Cheri Yazzie

  1. Get really clear on what makes you happy

  2. Get really clear on who you want to work with

  3. Be really clear on your messaging – repel as much as you attract

  4. Start building your audience by sharing your message – those that resonate will follow you

  5. Don’t wait for perfection – take imperfect action now

  6. Revisit your happiness and stay on track with your goals – don’t compromise

6 Steps to combine your passion with your business. -
6 steps to combine your passion with your business.

What’s In This Episode

Guest expert Cheri Yazzie shares her own entrepreneurial values attitudes and motivation. Staying motivated as an entrepreneur has many different facets – both internal and external factors can have an effect on our happiness. Cheri shares her entrepreneurial journey with wins and lessons and her own pursuit of happiness in her business model. She has cracked the key on how to combine passion with entrepreneurship and be happy AF.

Jenn Neal on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Values and Attitudes

Jenn Neal on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Values and Attitudes

You know the people though, the ones that are always just happy. I said it was annoying, but really, I think it’s just jealousy. I mean, who wouldn’t actually want to be happy?

-Jenn Neal

I guess together we make a full glass!

A few years ago, I had signed up to go on a business cruise. It was with a group coaching program I was in and I thought I would surprise my husband.

He, however, didn’t want to spend a bunch of time with a bunch of entrepreneur nerds. So – I asked my neighbor if she wanted to be my plus 1.

She is the kind of person that is ALWAYS happy. To a point I find/found… let’s be real, still find annoying sometimes. 😊 (Love ya Susie!)

As we were on this journey through the Carribean together, we discovered we had many things in common and a lot in complete opposites.

This particular time, I remember we were sitting on the balcony of our cabin enjoying the sun and salt water mist as the ship made its way through the ocean.

And, we were enjoying some afternoon cocktails.

I was teasing Susie about always being positive about things. I’m like it’s okay to hate things too…

You know the people though, the ones that are always just happy. I said it was annoying, but really I think it’s just jealousy. I mean, who wouldn’t actually want to be happy?
You know the people though, the ones that are always just happy. I said it was annoying, but really I think it’s just jealousy. I mean, who wouldn’t actually want to be happy?

But she just doesn’t operate like that.

Our drinks were almost empty so I offered Susie a refill:

“Your drink is half gone can I top you off?”

Susie responded in true Susie fashion…

“Or you could say my drink was still half full”

I laughed and said it was like the perfect explanation of how we work together. See, together it’s like we make a full glass!

Since that time, I’ve often caught myself trying to be a more glass half full type of person rather than empty.

You know the people though, the ones that are always just happy. I said it was annoying, but really, I think it’s just jealousy. I mean, who wouldn’t actually want to be happy? (I’m a work in progress for sure, but let’s go with 2/3 full 😊)

Anyway – my guest on this episode is just the same way. She’s always happy!

And, she shares her secret to entrepreneurial success through happiness and fulfillment – don’t miss this episode with guest expert Cheri Yazzie.

Jenn “glass half full” Neal

Cheri Yazzie on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Values and Attitudes

Meet Cheri Yazzie

I am a badass plus size woman who loves myself unapologetically! I am a quick to laugh, live out loud, wife and mother. I create happiness whenever I choose. I am comfortable in my own skin. I take up space and create life on my terms. And I can teach you to do the same.

I am also a multiple 6-figure passive-income e-course creator, Radical Love Maven & Energy Mentor, Indigenous CEO and Host of the Loveable AF Badass Momcast a Podcast & YouTube Show. I am the Creator of Unapologetic AF: Helping Successful moms RECLAIM their badass selves and become the Bold, Magnetic and Loveable AF womxn they know they are meant to be by embracing Radical Self Love, unf#cking their beliefs and up-leveling their set points.



Cheri Yazzie on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Values, Attitudes and Motivation as an Entrepreneur
Values, Attitudes, and Motivation as an Entrepreneur with Cheri Yazzie

What Drives Entrepreneurial Motivation, Values, and Attitudes

The will to put in focused, high-intensity efforts to achieve goals is essentially what drives entrepreneurial values, attitudes and motivation. Persistence, along with a defined direction, is what makes an individual successful in setting up their own business.

Entrepreneurial motivation is the very fuel required to implement a business plan. It is the secret ingredient that makes it possible for you to work in a systematic manner towards directing your efforts towards a single cause.

Amazon has this beautiful whole marketplace of buyers looking for what you're offering-Cheri Yazzie
Amazon has this beautiful whole marketplace of buyers looking for what you’re offering-Cheri Yazzie

Types of Entrepreneurial Motivation

In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you don’t just need to be motivated but motivated in the right manner. Moreover, effective motivation typically consists of a number of reasons rather than just a single one.

For instance, it is not enough to be solely driven by making money, but there needs to be underlying factors as well, such as satisfying intrinsic interests and desires. Here are the three main kinds of entrepreneurial motivation to help you succeed:

1.    Money

It is no secret that people start a business in order to earn money. Inspirational stories about entrepreneurial giants such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates make ordinary people believe that they too can become billionaires if they have the right ideas. Having money as your prime motivation is not a bad idea, but you just need to make sure that you complement it with persistence.

2.    Passion

A key ingredient of entrepreneurial motivation is a passion for the work you do. It is one of the main drivers for entrepreneurial success all over the world. Passion is what creates inexhaustible stamina to keep working towards your goals by overcoming all obstacles that may come your way.

3.    Control

Control is a vital aspect of entrepreneurial values, attitudes, and motivation. When you are at the helm of affairs, you are in charge of key facets for your organization, such as hiring, salaries, and business direction. The appetite and ability to govern your business efficiently is what leads to success as an entrepreneur.

Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Motivation

Entrepreneurial motivation is what enhances a person’s confidence to achieve their goals. With motivation, your thought process can become more productive to allow you to dabble in new ideas. Factors influencing entrepreneurial motivation, values, and attitudes can be divided into internal and external categories:

I bet there are other people out in the world who are like, hey, I am failing at this online internet business stuff. – Cheri Yazzie
I bet there are other people out in the world who are like, hey, I am failing at this online internet business stuff. – Cheri Yazzie

Internal Factors

This refers to the intrinsic drive to meet your goals and achieve personal satisfaction. The five main types of internal factors are:

  • A positive mindset that enables you to find opportunities even in critical situations.
  • Optimism that leads to constructive thinking.
  • Enthusiasm to find optimum solutions.
  • The desire for independence and self-fulfillment.
  • Emotional commitment towards achieving your targets.

External Factors

These pertain to the strengths derived from your external environment that shape entrepreneurial values, motivation, and attitudes. Here are the five main external factors at play:

  • Availability of land, labor, and capital.
  • A high demand for your product can help you become more innovative.
  • Supportive government policies for new firms.
  • Availability and acquisition of adequate market knowledge.
  • Technological development in the field to decrease errors and maximize success.

Ingredients for Entrepreneurial Success

Overcoming obstacles, learning from failure, and the drive to keep moving forward is what makes an entrepreneur successful. However, in order to acquire these characteristics, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

Identify Your Target Audience

It is essential to figure out your target audience in order to rightly direct your sales and marketing drives. Start by working out what kind of people would have a need or interest for your product or service.

List the various features of your offerings and think about who they would be useful for. Another practical technique is to collect demographic information regarding your target audience in order to focus your marketing efforts accordingly. Make sure you know what is important for the people and what price they are willing to purchase it for.

Be Yourself

Don’t be afraid to be yourself while showcasing your product or service. This adds a personality to your brand and forms an emotional connection with potential clients.

It is alright if you are unable to put up perfectly manicured pictures on your social media pages. Let your audience have a glimpse at the real person behind the business to make your brand more relatable. Try marketing your products in a casual way by using layman terms and including stories from your own life.

I want to enjoy my life. Love it. Absolutely. Wake up just feeling grateful and excited about my days.- Cherie Yazzie
I want to enjoy my life. Love it. Absolutely. Wake up just feeling grateful and excited about my days.- Cherie Yazzie

Enjoy What You Do: ‘Choose It, or Change It’

Enjoying what you do considerably contributes to the right entrepreneurial values, motivation and attitude. Your positive mood is bound to resonate with your customers, especially if you own a small business.

Adopt a ‘choose it, or change it’ attitude. If you think something does not feel right, switch to something else. Make sure all your marketing and production efforts are top-notch, which can only be possible when your heart is into your work.

Final Thoughts

Entrepreneurial values, motivation and attitudes are influenced by a number of intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors. All of them have to be aligned in order to help you succeed in your business venture. Keep your goals in mind and develop the resilience to overcome all obstacles in the way. Entrepreneurial motivation is what makes a successful business owner differ from the one who keeps moving from one failed startup to another.

The 7 Secrets Self-Motivated Entrepreneurs Know

Entrepreneurial Motivation

How to Stay Motivated to Start a Business

Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout – Tiring Yourself Out is Not an Option

What are you doing to combine your passion with your business?