Repurpose Content on Social Media – Work Smarter, Not Harder

Published by Jenn Neal on

repurpose content on social media

A great technique to drive traffic, achieve greater SEO, and attract new audiences is to repurpose content on social media. Find out how!

Quick Links:

TIP: How to repurpose content on social media

Time needed: 7 minutes

TIP: 2 Tips for Smarter Social Content Creation

  1. MVP original content

    measure what works then repurpose that 30x

  2. Reuse & update old content

    create a “reloaded” version of old material

2 Tips for Smarter Social Content Creation
There are many ways to reuse your content on social media. Here are 2 surefire ways to repurpose content on social media that help you work smarter, not harder!

What’s In This Episode

Here are two tips on how to be smarter in your content repurposing. I talk through examples of how we are using content repurposing and different ways to repurpose content – and how we use it for social media. I recently discovered 2 tips for content repurposing that are super genius and ways to save massive amounts of time and effort – so sharing those in this episode!

Jenn Neal - Content Activation Expert

Jenn Neal on How to Repurpose Content on Social Media

Sometimes we get stuck in the story of “because this is how it’s done.”

-Jenn Neal

Have you ever heard the story of the Christmas ham? I can’t recall exactly where I heard if from, but it goes like this: 

Daughter asking mom, “Why do you always cut the ham before you cook it?” 

Mom: “I’m not sure, that’s just how it’s always been done. It’s how I learned.” 

Decades pass… 

Daughter to Grandmother, “Why do you always cut the ham before you cook it?”

Grandmother: “My pan was always smaller than the ham so I had to cut if off to fit!”

Sometimes we get stuck in the story of “because this is how it’s done.” - Jenn Neal on repurposing content on social media
Sometimes, we get stuck in the “because this is how it’s done.” In turn, we’re not learning new information or moving forward. – Jenn Neal on repurposing content on social media

I know – I super butchered that story (ha ha! Had to throw in a dad joke there…) But the fact is that sometimes we get stuck in the story of “because this is how it’s done.”

And I totally got stuck in that trap before hiring my newest team member – and I love that she called me out on it when she came to work with us.

And now? 

We’ve learned – and are working smarter and not harder. 

Check it out in this episode – two amazing tips  we’ve discovered recently that are already saving TONS of time, and will definitely work for you as well!

Jenn “cut the ham” Neal 😊

Smarter Content Repurposing – 2 Content Repurposing Tips for Working Smarter NOT Harder
Smarter Content Repurposing – 2 Content Repurposing Tips for Working Smarter NOT Harder

Repurposing Content on Social Media – Work Smarter, Not Harder

Content has been and always will be king in the world of internet marketing. Is creating new content taking up all your time?  Creating a steady supply of new content is a lot of work. Your content is what draws your audience in, gets your business exposure, and helps drive sales. But, do you really need to continuously create new content to get traction in your business? The answer to that is NO! I’m here to share important lessons about how you can repurpose content in ways that get you better results.  Prepare to have your mind blown!

Repurpose Your Content

Content repurposing – this is a method I’ve been using for some time now.  It has helped myself and my team to work smarter instead of harder.   You no longer have to create new content to get revenue and traffic coming your way.  It’s time to start repurposing (or re-using) your content and creating “new” content from well performing posts!  Repurposing content you’ve already produced helps you save time and energy. Meanwhile it’s still allowing you to reap the benefits you would from new content! 

We're watching those numbers and we're saying 'Okay, what tips are resonating?' - Jenn Neal on repurposing content on social media
Keeping watch on our metrics will allow us to see what our audience is really looking at.

So I must admit this…. a short time ago, I was working harder, not smarter. When we were first working on our content machine, I did something I probably shouldn’t have. I know I know, the boss shouldn’t be involved in all the steps and constantly tinkering – but, I was. So not all of the steps were completed. Well, after all of the tweaking, I realized that I needed some help. So I set out on a mission and found someone to take care of our social media content. After checking into our content and metrics, she noticed that yes, we were repurposing content. However, we were repurposing the WRONG content! After taking over, she noticed that our content with key takeaways, and “give it to me fast” tips were performing so much better than the other posts.

To make a long story short, once we knew what we should be repurposing, it made our lives so much easier. We started to get the same amount of traffic, with less effort! Content repurposing has been a game-changer for many in the internet marketing world, including myself! And who doesn’t want to work less and get the same results?  Everyone?!  That’s what I thought!  

Take Your Repurposing Efforts To The Next Level

I’ve adopted a new method for repurposing content.  How does it work? I’m glad you asked!!

Well, frankly, this one is easy! You don’t need any special tools! You will be using the tools you already have! You’ll be using the metrics you’ve been using (or should have been using) all along! Paying attention to the metrics of how well your posts are performing is just as important as the stats of your business and sales. The stats of your social posts are able to inform you on what your audience is paying attention to, and what they’re interested in. In this case, we will be focused on the posts that perform well.

Think of your metrics like your personal crystal ball. Paying attention to the engagement on your posts tells you what information best resonates with your audience. Thus, when it’s time to repurpose your content, you don’t have to work hard to figure out what would be best to post! Do you want to know the best thing? You can do this across all of your platforms – meaning your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest post… you name it!

How To Do It

It’s really this simple.  You know you’re going to be re-using your old content, but instead of using it all, you’ll be focusing in on posts that get better engagement!  Look through your metrics and find which posts are already performing well. Take those posts and elaborate on them.

Content Repurposing Love that idea that something you did in the past, you can bring back.  - Jenn Neal on repurposing content on social media
Old content can be made new simply by taking a piece of the information and elaborating on it – making it new.

Check the content in the posts and pull out tidbits of information from it. (You know, those little pearls of wisdom, hints and tips that your audience should focus on from it.) In turn, share the tidbits and link back to the original post, or to a landing page where they can learn more. Giving your audience small bits of information will pique their curiosity. They will want to know more and by linking them back, they’re able to lead them towards your sales funnel.

Just come up with key takeaways from your larger pieces, blurbs from your “why” story, and other “bullet points” of information from your story. Post those on social media and see which ones are getting the best numbers. Then you know what content people want to see. Not only are you producing original content, but you’re engaging your audience with less effort!

A Second Smart Strategy

So this one is something I learned from one of my favorite shows. I may be showing my age here, but have you ever watched “Good Eats” with Alton Brown on the Food Network? (Please tell me I’m not THAT old!). Well, regardless, the show is awesome and it’s what brought me this new perspective!

While they are doing somewhat of a reboot of the show, they’re using film from the old episodes! In fact, the host is using content from the old shows to provide a new perspective. He’s showing what he knew before and giving us new information that he’s learned since he released the old episode. The host is even inputting signs in the show to advise where he went wrong before. It’s giving his audience a reason to come back and watch the new episodes.

Not only is the show repurposing content, but they’re giving update facts to better educate the audience. By admitting fault and providing the new information, the host is building a relationship with his audience. He’s proving that he is authentic and trustworthy. In the end, that is what people want. They will come back to you solely because you’re authentic. You’re showing them that you’re being honest with them, while giving them a “look how far i’ve come” perspective.

Use this to your advantage.

Show your audience how far you’ve come – that not only are times changing but so are you! Using this method, you will not only repurpose your content but create new content that shows that you’re ever evolving. From technology to experience, to new knowledge, we’ve all hit learning curves. We’ve re-thought our positions on certain issues along the way. Turn that into repurposed content your audience will resonate with as it presents you as a mere mortal rather than some super person on the internet.

I love the idea of being able to show how you learned from things in the past and being able to contradict yourself.  - Jenn Neal on repurposing content on social media
It’s okay to admit you’re wrong! Repurposing old content is a great way to learn new things. Learn from what you’ve done wrong, and tell your audience about it! Build your authenticity. This will build trust with your clients.

In Conclusion

Want to learn more about these tactics for repurposing content? Are you ready to take your content repurposing efforts to the next level so you can improve engagement, gain more customers, and help more people? Then check out today to learn more about what we’re doing to help you work smarter and not harder to create engaging and effective content.


Integrated Marketing Examples : Content Repurposing

What repurposed content have you seen lately from someone else that inspired you?