The Storytelling Method This Chicken Farmer Used to Generate Over $10,000,000 Without Hiring a Copywriter

Published by Jenn Neal on

The Secret Formula to Crafting Emotionally Engaging Stories to Close More Sales

Did we just become best friends?


Geez, that’s the second time that I’ve quoted that movie. And I haven’t actually even seen it all the way through – because I can’t stand it. 🤮

However – it’s still the story of how I met one of my dear friends.

Turns out, it IS a small world, afterall. (And, you’re welcome for THAT song being stuck in your head… 🎶)

Anyway – super long story short. 

We met on a cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean and instantly had such an emotional connection that we had to get cell phone numbers, programmed as BFF. 

Even though we met a half a world away, found out that we actually live 15 minutes from each other. (Love you @nikki!)

But that’s the power of an emotional connection. It makes you feel instantly close and trusting and loved. 

And that’s exactly the same power that today’s featured speaker has refined the science of. 

Telling a story to evoke an emotional connection – then using that to ultimately convert sales. 

Be warned – when practiced well this becomes a super power and could ruin any book or movie for you in the future… but will help you attract the right customers and convert more sales. 

I’d love to introduce you to a friend and mentor – Jim Edwards. Jim is a master storyteller, and at the Smart[er] Content Formula event he breaks down his formula for telling and using stories in your business. 

Enjoy this presentation preview from Jim Edwards, and check out more from Jim: 

Check out more from Jim:


Enjoy – then go register for the Smart[er] Content Formula virtual hybrid event. 👉

About Jim: 

Jim Edwards is a top direct response marketer and entrepreneur. Jim started back in 1997 writing ebooks and today has a very popular software product that helps shortcut the process of writing copy for ecommerce, webinars, and much more. Jim helps people discover how to turn ideas into income with books, ebooks, video, sales copy, and blogging. Jim’s successes are compelling because he went through a lot of challenges. After having success in real estate and mortgage banking, Jim left the industry to launch his own business. In just a few short years, he lost all he acquired, and he struggled. Jim developed a heart condition and landed in the hospital staring death in the face. Thereafter, he declared bankruptcy. After 2-3 years he made it all back and kept going.

Need better sales messages (no matter what you sell)? Want more traffic, visibility, and subscribers from your content marketing? We help people just like you go from blank screen to compelling content and money-making sales messages at the push of a button! (No experience required)

Discover how to turn your ideas into income with books, ebooks, video, sales copy, blogging, video marketing and other online content marketing strategies.

Some Previews from Jim’s Presentation

Graham Crackers & The Emotional Reward

You’ve got to get them emotional. And the way you get somebody emotional, when it comes to sales is with a story. You can’t smack them in the head to make them mad. You can’t rub their nose in it like a puppy, to make them upset or realize they’ve done something wrong. The only thing you can do is use a story. A story is the most powerful way that you can make somebody emotional because we’ve been trained since we were little kids that when, as soon as somebody says, “Hey, let me tell you a quick story.” We’re like, “Oh yeah, let’s do this. Let me get my Graham crackers and my milk.” I mean, we even have story time at school as a reward.

The Two Secrets About Telling Stories

So there are really two purposes for selling stories. The first one is to get people emotionally engaged. You want to make them angry. You want to make them feel inspired. You want to make them feel love. You want to make them feel fear by the way, anger, inspiration, love, and fear, get people to buy. So when you’re thinking about your B2P, as opposed to your B2B or your B to C or B to Z or whatever letter you might want to use, if you get people angry, inspired, desiring love, or in a state of fear, then you have them engaged. The second, and this is the big thing, is you want to get the reader to put themselves into the story. Because once they’re in the story, now they need resolution from you or your product.

Figuring Out What Story to Tell

So the biggest challenge that people have in telling stories in sales copy is how do I even figure out what story to sell, to tell… (maybe that Freudian slip was a good one there?) How do I figure out what story to sell? And that is because you don’t think about starting from the beginning, because if you’re, looking for a fully formed story, when you’re like, okay, well, what stories can I tell? I can’t think of any stories. You’re not going to be able to think of any stories. It’s too hard to identify a story. When you think in terms of, I NEED to find a story. But if you think about what is the most compelling part of the story, where is emotion at its maximum? It’s right there at rock bottom, right there at the bottom of that whole thing…

Finding the Hook in the Story

So here’s some quick hooks from my own life. And by the way, all of these are 100% real. I can tell you these stories. Let me tell you a story about the time of bankruptcy. Judge laughed in my face in front of an entire courtroom and I just to stand there and suck on it. That was not good. Let me tell you a story about the time I was lying on my neighbor’s couch, literally dying of heart failure and could barely whisper goodbye to my wife as she sobbed in my ear and pleaded don’t go. I need it. Let me tell you story about the time I lost my business partner and best friend of 10 years and what it taught me about how to never structure a business. Do you think you could use that to sell business agreement in forms or business setup or incorporation stuff?