Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Practice That You Should Too!

Published by Jenn Neal on

habits successful entrepreneurs

The habits successful entrepreneurs practice help them create a good work life balance. Here’s a few tips on how to develop these habits also!

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TIP: How to develop the habits successful entrepreneurs practice

Time needed: 7 minutes

TIP: 4 Steps to Set and Keep Successful Entrepreneurial Habits

  1. Permission

    Give yourself permission to work on things not “business related” to strive for a life in balance

  2. Goals

    Set goals in all categories for the year, quarter, month, and weeks

  3. Accountability

    Establish consistent accountability or coaching to keep you on track

  4. Trap Check

    Set a date of the week to check your work and make sure you’re staying on track with the first 3 steps.

4 Steps to Set and Keep Successful Entrepreneurial Habits with Jenn Neal
Every successful entrepreneur has habits that they use to keep their lives in order. Here are 4 steps you can take to set and keep successful entrepreneurial habits!
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What’s In This Episode

In this episode, I will be sharing the habits successful entrepreneurs actively practice. These are not only the same habits I’ve adopted in my life, but the same habits that saved both my business and my marriage. And the same ones that I still struggle to master.

Jenn Neal - Content Activation Expert

Jenn Neal on Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Practice

“It’s those habits. The patterns and things you do successfully over and over again that really make you successful.”

-Jenn Neal
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Success Habits That Saved My Business: How to Get S*** Done – Daily Habits for Success
Success Habits That Saved My Business: How to Get S*** Done – Daily Habits for Success

Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Practice That You Should Too!

All successful entrepreneurs have certain habits or rituals that they follow.  Do they always stick to them?  Of course not.  No one’s perfect.  But having those habits in place makes it so much easier to get back on track when you fall off.  Now, I’m totally going to admit something that I’m not the proudest of, but I’m human and I fall down sometimes too.   

The Content Toolbox was started in order for my company to have content to repurpose.  When we reached 100 episodes, I realized something SO important that I didn’t notice before.  We didn’t have a following – which means that we weren’t utilizing the content the way that we should have been.  Okay, I know you’re sitting there reading this and saying “How the heck did you NOT realize you didn’t have a following?”  I know, I know.  But I was so wrapped up in the everyday grind, the steps we needed to take to repurpose the content the way we needed to got a little off course.

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It was at that moment that I knew it was time to take a step back and reevaluate my business. So, we stopped production and started to focus on what needed to be done to get back on track. What type of content did I want to create? How were we going to use this content? Where did I want my business to go? These were all questions I started pondering. But what I really realized was that I was not in need of re-evaluating my business. I needed to re-evaluate my personal life as well. And so, I took a hiatus and embarked on a journey that I’m sure every successful entrepreneur has embarked on. The journey to find where I truly wanted to be heading in life.

Finding My Ground

When I started my journey, I already knew a few things. First of all, I wanted to work with a strong business coach. I wanted to reinvent my content and rework my business model. Reinventing my business also meant reinventing my entire life (there’s more on this to come!).

Secondly, I did not want to keep trading time for money. I’d spent so much time creating a program and beta testing it on myself and clients that it was time to really spread my wings. To be honest, I knew it worked. I just needed to get out of my comfort zone and find a way to market my product.

Third, I knew I wanted to grow and scale my business as a successful CEO entrepreneur. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, I needed to act the part. In doing so, I learned a few habits of other successful entrepreneurs and I’m sharing them with you!

Permission - give yourself permission to work on things not "business related" to strive for a life in balance. - habits successful entrepreneurs with Jenn Neal
The struggle to find a happy work/life balance is real! If we want to be successful in our business, it’s important that we create that balance and take time away from it!

Tip #1 – Give Yourself Permission

Creating a balance between work and personal life is like walking a tight rope. Sometimes you’re going to teeter to one side and focus more on that aspect before realizing that you’re unbalanced. To find a comfortable balance, you really have to take a deep dive and do the work.

The first step to finding your balance is to give yourself permission to work on something other than your business. From a young age, it is drilled into us that we must work hard at our business every single day if we want to be successful. However, in this journey, I’ve realized that this is absolutely NOT TRUE! Working hard creates stress. Working smart is the way to become successful.

Taking time to do things for yourself is extremely important for you and your business. You could do something simple like taking a walk outside to get fresh air. Maybe you want to spend time with your family , or take a weekend vacation with your significant other. Regardless what it is, make sure that it is something that makes you happy. And that it is separate from your business.

You’ll soon find that taking a break away from your business will help alleviate stress. It helps create a space of clarity, allowing your mind to figure out issues you’re facing on its own. Taking a step back and taking care of your mental and physical self is just as important to your business as doing the actual work. Running a business is just a small portion of just a bigger picture in life!

Accountability - Establish consistent accountability or coaching to keep you on track.  - habits successful entrepreneurs with Jenn Neal
Joining an accountability group or obtaining a coach is a great way to get outside advice, and help you set and stick to your goals.

Tip #2: Having Accountability and/or Coaching

I knew that to help me be successful, I wanted to work with a good business coach and mentor.  I knew there was one person I’d love to follow being that I really respect what she does – Kathryn Jones!  So, I took the first step to finding my ground.  I joined her AWAKE program, and let me tell you, the habits that you create are amazing!  They’re not only geared toward becoming a successful entrepreneur. 

These habits are geared toward helping you create a happy balance between your work life and your personal life.  Creating this balance is one habit that successful entrepreneurs have mastered.  And although they may fall off sometimes (as we all do!), they get back up and start practicing again as soon as they do. 

Kathryn’s AWAKE program outlined different aspects of life that needed focus in order to create balance and become successful. Once I was on board and really accepted these 5 things into my life and my business, I really started noticing a difference. Not only did the groundwork help me in my business, but it also helped save my marriage.

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Goals - Set goals in all categories for the year, quarter, month and weeks. - habits successful entrepreneurs have with Jenn Neal
Setting big goals and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable goals is key. Each smaller goal will be easier to reach and less overwhelming.

TIP #3: Goal Breakdowns and Tracking

As goal setting goes, I set yearly goals. These goals were in line with the AWAKE areas. I then broke them down by quarter, by month and by week. It created a clear plan of what I needed to do each week that year in order to be successful. I planned each week in detail – including time in my day for me to journal, knowing that it’s an important piece of my day.

Having everything well planned out worked GREAT! Until it didn’t… because again, I’m human too and we all get off track sometimes. Once one program stopped and was not replaced, everything else sort of tumbled down too. But that doesn’t mean I let myself stay down! I did what any successful entrepreneur would do. I got back up, dusted off and re-evaluated to make it work again! Which brings me to my last tip!

Trap Check - Set a date of the week to check your work and make sure you're staying on track with the first 3 steps. - habits successful entrepreneurs have with Jenn Neal
Staying on track is not easy – and we all fall off sometimes! Picking a day of the week to evaluate and re-evaluate how you’ve been spending your time is a great way to stick to your habits!

TIP #4: The Trap Check

At the beginning of each week, I like to sit down and look at how my time was spent the week before. Was I productive? What could I have done differently? Did I spend time focusing on the right things and working towards the right goals?

I look at each aspect and make sure that I didn’t fall back into the entrepreneurial trap of only focusing on work. I make sure that time was spent doing things I enjoy and spending time with people that bring me joy. Remember, falling into solely focusing on work is going to create a mental block. Make time to prioritize your life outside of work as well! Your business (and your brain) will thank you for it!

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Reality Check

As entrepreneurs, we’re geared to making our businesses work. More times than not, we fail to take care of ourselves in the process. It’s important to keep in mind that YOU are your business. If you are not 100%, your business won’t be either. By aligning and creating a healthy work – life balance, you’re setting yourself and your business up for success. Of course, there will be some hiccups along the way. And when there are, go back to Tip #1 and give yourself some much-needed love and forgiveness. No one in the world is perfect! Before you know it, you’ll develop the right habits and become the successful entrepreneur you want to be!

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What are the habits of successful people you want to achieve?

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